Fire Protection System

Fire Protection System in Delhi

Fire Protection System in Delhi

Sea Max Fire Engineering Works provide a complete installation service of All types of fire protection system in Delhi. Sea Max Engineering Works is a leading service provider and contractor of the different fire protection system. These fire protection system are installed in type of premises including High rise Building, Hospital, Server Room, Data Center, College, oil refinery, gas plant, factories and store rooms. Our Fire Protection System include Fire suppression System, Fire Sprinkler system, Fire Fighting System, Fire alarm system, fire hose system, fire detection system, fire hose system, fire pump system, fire extinguisher refilling, fire hydrant system and fire detection system.

Fire Sprinkler Protection System

Fire Sprinkler System is a part of the fire sprinkler system which demolished fire through a jet water mist spray system. Our Fire Sprinkler system use latest fire detection system that detect all type of fire. These Fire sprinkler system has different A.I (Artificial Intelligence) technologies which are installed according to their operation.

Fire Suppression Protection System

The Fire Suppression System are use as automatic fire control unit which is combination of fire detector, fire panel, fire hooter and fire suppressing agent. In Fire Suppression system there are various types such as :-

  • Clean Agent Fire Suppression system
  • Inert Gaseous Fire Suppression system
  • Co2 Fire suppression system
  • Tube Base Fire Suppression System

Fire Alarm Protection System

In Fire Alarm Protection System helps us to detect fire through Fire siren and fire detection panel make us alert which help us to control fire through fire protection system.

Fire Protection System in Delhi