Fire Extinguisher Refilling In Delhi
We provide all type of Fire Extinguisher Refilling in Delhi. Sea Max Fire Engineering Works manufacturer and service provider of all type of fire extinguisher in Delhi. Our Company provides all varieties of fire extinguisher which includes ABC Fire Extinguisher, CO2 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher, Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher, Automatic Modular Fire Extinguisher

Fire Extinguisher Annual Maintenance Services
We provide complete Fire Extinguisher Annual Maintenance Services in Delhi. Fire Extinguisher Service is required to maintain the proper function of fire extinguishers.

Fire Extinguisher Service
The Fire Extinguisher service is a procedure to maintain the proper function of fire extinguishers in Delhi. We provide Service of all types of fire extinguishers. Which ensures complete safety and security of life and goods.

Fire Extinguisher Testing
This is a procedure of checking the quality of fire extinguishers. The fire extinguisher testing is done by various methods including Hydraulic Testing, Leakage testing, X-ray detection, age of fire extinguisher, and different methods.

Fire Cylinder Refilling in Delhi
We provide refilling of all type of fire cylinder in Delhi. ABC, CO2, CLEAN AGENT, WATER, and foam type fire extinguisher.

ABC Fire Extinguisher Refilling
Sea max fire engineering works provide ABC Fire Extinguisher Refilling includes all capacity 2 Kg, 4 Kg, 5 Kg, 6 Kg, 9 Kg, 10 Kg, 12 Kg and many more

CO2 Fire Extinguisher Refilling
Provides Services of Refilling of all type Co2 - Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher of capacity 2 kg, 2.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg, 6.5 kg, 9 kg, 22.5 kg, 25 kg and more.

Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher Refilling
Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher is used for demolished all types of fire which is specially designed for extremely hazardous fire such as server room and electrical fire.

Water-Based Fire Extinguisher Refilling
Water based fire extinguisher in which water-based chemical substance is used for fire suppression.

Automatic Modular Fire Extinguisher Refilling
It is of different types which are ceiling-mounted fire extinguisher which is located at a fire hazard place.