Foam monitor system

Water Foam Monitor Fire Fighting System

The Foam Monitor system is a fixed mode fire fighting suppression system which covers long distances through a jet spray suppression system. Water and foam monitor fire fighting system have different applications in which they are use for generator room, storage tanks, oil tank, diesel tank, helipad, ship, Aircraft Hangar, Dike Areas, Docks, Heliports, Helidecks, Jetties, Loading Racks, Manufacturing Processes, Pumping Stations, Power Plants Storage Tanks, Warehouses and more units. Water monitor system is a movable control unit in which we can set the direction, water flow speed and pressure.

A Water Foam Monitor System contains a water storage tank that is connected to different monitors and sprays water through a fire pump. Sea Max Fire engineering work is a manufacturer of fire fighting foam monitor systems and water systems, we provide complete designing  of fire monitor system and installation of water foam monitor system.

Through a foam monitor system, we can control the fire from a long distance, all the directions which is more effective to control fire through a long range. Our fire monitor consists a special foaming agent which has rapid cooling technology that has effective for fire suppression system.

There are some automatic fire monitors systems that are automatic which have heat sensing detectors and activates through robotic system and adjust automatically according to fire range. This fire fighting system is most effective and efficient to control big fires through a long distance without any worry of fire accident.

Designing of fire monitor system is designed according to fire safety standards which are designed by our fire safety engineers and architects.

Installation of a fire fighting monitor system is a technical process that comes with different spray nozzles which are easy to operate. We delivers lots of installation project of fire monitor system which provides complete safety against any fire incident.