Fire Fighting System
The Fire Emergencies are unpredictable and costly for lives and property . To manage risk and hazards you need to be Fire Fighting system in building with count of ability that control fire. Sea Max Fire Engineering Works Protect Your Building and it’s occupancies to a bounce fire protection plan.

fire fighting system project

Fire fighting system Design
The Fire fighting system is design to control fire through sprinkler system, alarm system and many more. We Provide designing of fire fire fighting as per standards of N.F.P.A (National fire protection association) and provide approval of fire fighting system.

fire fighting system installation
Fire fighting system installation helps to control fire through fire fighting equipment. Installation of fire fire fighting system consist different fire retardants that sense fire and perform, which control all types of major fire.

fire fighting system maintenance
Maintenance of fire fighting system is very tough job which keeps fire fighting system activated for any unexpected fire. Fire fighting system maintenance provides complete security against fire.
Types Of Fire Fighting System
There are multiple fire fighting equipment must be use in Residential building that used in fire protection plan.
In Commercial building fire sprinkler are necessary fire extinguishing method

Fire Suppression system
Fire Suppression system can connects to different fire fighting system as fire detector, fire alarm and control panel. The control panel of fire suppression system can also send notification through mobile SMS, fire alarm sound and provide information to local fire safety authorities. The fire suppression system work on latest technologies that identifies fire which activates the fire suppression system.
Major types of fire suppression system major types of fire suppression system :-
- Fire suppression system for electrical panels.
- tube based fire suppression system.
- automatic modular fire suppression system.
- clean agent fire suppression system.
- automatic fire suppression system.
- co2 fire suppression system.
- fm 200 fire suppression system.
- Kitchen Fire Suppression System.
Fire Sprinkler System
The Fire Sprinkler Systems performs various function which control or extinguish fire. Fire sprinkler system are most effective way which control fire and reduces the the loss of life, goods and property. These fire sprinkler system is the key component of fire fighting protection system that extinguish fire. These fire sprinkler respond to all type of fire while it is small or Major fire.
Major Types of fire sprinkler system are :-
- Wet sprinkler system.
- Dry sprinkler system.
- Deluge sprinkler system.
- Pre-action sprinkler system.
- Water Mist sprinkler system.
Major Types of fire sprinkler are :-
- Upright Fire Sprinkler.
- Sidewall fire sprinkler.
- Pendent fire sprinkler.

Fire Alarm system
Fire Alarm system help us for emergency evacuation through fire notification. The Fire alarm system require deferent fire detector.
Types of Fire Alarm System:-
- Wireless Fire Alarm system.
- Manual fire alarm system.
- Automatic fire alarm system.
- Addressable fire alarm system.
- Conventional fire alarm system.
Fire hydrant system
The Fire hydrant system is network piping system which is installed in building. Fire Hydrant system can be installed underground or overhead with different fire hydrant stand post.
List Of Various component use in fire hydrant system are :-
- pumps (jockey pump, electrical pump, diesel pump).
- heavy or medium grade (ms or gi pipes).
- hydrant valves.
- hose boxes.
- hoses.
- nozzles & branch pipes.
- fire brigade inlet.
- isolation valves.
- air release valve.
- Fire monitor system.

Fire hose Reel system
Hose Reel system is use to carry pressure of water through hose pipe. The fire Hose are attaches to fire hydrant which are placed to outdoor of building. Fir hose hose reel system allows water to flow which is conneted to water pump.
Major types of fire hose reel system are:-
- Suction Hose System (partially embedded, fully embedded).
- Delivery Hose System (percolating, non-percolating).
- Hose Reel Hose System.
Fire Detection system
Fire detection system system provides notification of fire through different Audible, Visual, Textual, Tactile functions. The fire detection system sense heat, smoke and fire in all stages which helps us to take further action to fire.
List of various types of fire detection system :-
- Heat detector.
- Smoke detector.
- Flame detector.
- Multi-sensor detector.
- Infrared (I.R) detector.
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector

Smoke Detection system
Smoke Detection System is a set of devices which sense smoke and provide indication of fire. The Smoke detection system automatically detects fire.
Types of Smoke Detection System :-
- Ionization Smoke Detection System.
- Photoelectric Smoke Detection System.